Core Knowledge Language Arts/Amplify (CKLA) (K-5)
CKLA is a content-rich literacy curriculum distinguished by robust and sequential knowledge building, as well as systematic foundational skills instruction. CKLA 3–5 consists of original texts systematically and coherently ordered to build broad content knowledge in science, social studies, and the arts. An intentional approach to building knowledge invites students to engage with and make connections across topics not commonly taught in elementary literacy classrooms (e.g., Ancient Greece and the War of 1812 in grade 2). In K–2, high-interest, fully decodable stories advance along with students’ foundational reading skills.
Rich, rigorous, diverse texts:
How Core Knowledge/Amplify designs for:
Deep knowledge building
Elementary topics in history, science, literature, and the arts build on prerequisite content taught in the curriculum. For example, students examine the heart’s role in circulation and then build on that understanding in later grades when they study the circulatory system in more depth. Students learn “for keeps” through the years, gaining a firm grounding in a diverse range of topics.
Topic coherence within and across grades ensures that students both explore a diverse range of topics and go deeper into topics over the years. “Pause points” are built into all grades and provide students with time to cement or expand their learning. Lessons pay careful attention to the language students encounter in their texts. Daily writing is tightly connected to the texts and topics students explore.
Systematic foundational skills and fluency
The PreK–2 foundational reading program is thorough and well organized. Frequent assessments allow teachers to provide students with precise instruction and abundant practice. CKLA uses a collection of highly engaging decodable texts to provide practice with phonics patterns. Grade-level fluency is a feature throughout the elementary grades, supplemented with diverse short passages from various genres that are connected to topics being studied.
Equitable access to challenging texts
Topics are tightly interconnected in CKLA year-over-year as students gain knowledge to access increasingly complex texts in succeeding grades. The class works together to tackle grade-level core texts with well-organized, easy-to-access student resources. Students are empowered by what they learn about a range of topics and how they connect, fostering their confidence to persevere in their studies.
Topics of study
Learning and exhibiting deep knowledge
Foundational skills instruction
Access Core Knowledge/Amplify
CKLA was developed by the Core Knowledge Foundation, which continues to make the curriculum openly available on its website. Amplify is the distributor of CKLA and offers a digital and print version of the curriculum.
Core Knowledge/Amplify (K-5) in districts
“For bilingual students, they are using the same rigor that any other student is using.”
“It was a process, but it was worth it. The the actual change was that mindset when the teachers get to see the kids and the results.”
“I like reading because we get to learn about the Middle Ages. So it’s like history and reading combined.”
“The kids are talking about it. You can stop them in the hallway and ask them about what they’re learning, and they will tell you.”
“Now that we are using a high-quality instructional material, we now see that it’s very content-rich, and every one is part of the conversation.”
“Now everybody gets to collaborate, and we’re all at the same level.”
“Your preparation looks much different, because it’s not about trying to find things and trying to look for things that fit.”
“We can’t change how students come to us, but we can control how they leave us.”
“Within the last five years, we’ve seen a tremendous jump in our students’ achievement levels with reading.”
“This was the first time that they had these novels. And the kids were so excited.”
“We rolled it out across the entire district. And that’s a huge bold move. But it was also exciting.”