Knowledge Matters Review Tool

A Guide for Evaluating K-8 ELA Curriculum

Designed by literacy experts for evaluating K-8 ELA curriculum, the Knowledge Matters Review Tool is a resource to determine if an ELA curriculum is truly “content-rich” and aligned to research on reading comprehension, detailed in the companion Research Compendium.

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About the Knowledge Matters Review Tool

We’ve developed the Knowledge Matters Review Tool to help educators understand how key research insights and practices should be translated into curriculum design for K-8 ELA. It is intended for use by states, districts, and schools when evaluating ELA curriculum.

The Review Tool is designed to be used in addition to, not instead of, other instruments to ensure that “knowledge building,” and by extension reading comprehension, is appropriately addressed.

Our team of experts has identified 26 separate criteria across eight dimensions of high-quality, content-rich ELA curriculum. The more evidence these criteria are present in a curriculum, the better.

The companion Research Compendium details the research behind each of the criteria in the Review Tool.

Access the Review Tool

We offer a PDF version for downloading as well as a Google Doc version that can be used when collaborating with colleagues. Both versions can be edited and adapted as needed.

Review the Research Compendium

This compilation of research details the evidence base for the practices recommended in the Review Tool.

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