Content Area
Guest Article
The 74: Reading Tests Are Out of Step with Reality. There’s a Better Way.
Interim assessments that follow the science of reading comprehension can enhance teaching and learning. 02/25/2025
Guest Appearance
AEI: The Knowledge Revival
Cognitive science research suggests that deep thinking cannot be accomplished without a wealth of domain-specific knowledge. 02/04/2025
Guest Article
Forham Flypaper: The case for storytelling in the history curriculum
A comprehensive, content-rich history curriculum offers a superior approach. 01/30/2025
Guest Article
Ed Post: Teaching History Without Stories? Your Curriculum May Need a Serious Glow Up.
A comprehensive, content-rich history curriculum offers a superior approach. 01/23/2025
Guest Appearance
Science of Reading: The Podcast: Standards are the ‘what’ and curriculum is the ‘how,’ with Sue Pimentel
Susan Lambert welcomes Sue Pimentel to discuss the impact of the Common Core Standards on literacy in the United States. 09/18/2024
Press Coverage
Chalkbeat: How is your school’s literacy curriculum changing? What parents should know about NYC Reads.
Sweeping changes to literacy instruction are underway in New York City. 09/06/2024
Guest Article
The 74: Faced With Literacy Declines, One Maryland District Takes Curriculum Design Out of Teachers’ Hands
Cecil County Public Schools, Eklton, MD 08/13/2024
Guest Article
ASI: No Statute of Limitations on Learning to Read Well: What do Upper-Level Students Need When They Are Struggling to Read?
Educators can accelerate all students to realize their potential. 08/13/2024
Guest Article
The 74: To Maximize the Impact of Curriculum Mandates, Follow the Science of Reading
Washington County Public Schools, Hagerstown, MD 07/31/2024
Guest Article
The 74: Amid Book Bans and Board Elections, Maryland Schools Embrace the Science of Reading
Wicomico County Public Schools, Salisbury, MD 07/18/2024
Guest Appearance
Wyoming Emerging Literacy Conference: How Strong ELA Curricula Build Background Knowledge
Knowledge and insights on the life-changing impact of evidence-based literacy instruction for all students. 06/26/2024
Guest Article
Fordham Flypaper: The campaign for knowledge-rich curricula is winning
The importance of knowledge is reaching a greater number of teachers, administrators, and policymakers. 05/31/2024
Guest Article
The 74: For Stronger Readers in Third Grade, Start Building Knowledge in Preschool
Early-learning experiences can shape lifelong learning habits and accelerate literacy, particularly for English-language learners. 05/27/2024
Guest Appearance
American Enterprise Institute: The Case for Curriculum Reform
Could curriculum reform be the answer to some of the longest-standing questions in education? If so, will school and school system leaders be willing to take it on? 04/09/2024
Guest Article
Education Next: Why Are Books Disappearing from English and Reading Classrooms?
Hint: It has nothing to do with censorship 04/03/2024
Press Release
National Campaign to Visit Maryland Schools to Highlight Exemplary Literacy Instruction
Three-district tour will focus on knowledge-building ELA curriculum 04/03/2024
Press Coverage
Education Week: What’s Missing From States’ Reading Laws? The Role of Content Knowledge
Legislation aiming to push literacy instruction in schools more closely with research evidence continues to flow fast and hard. 03/28/2024
Scientific Advisory Committee: Model Language for Legislators Drafting Reading Legislation
Comprehensive, coherent literacy instruction must begin in the earliest grades. 03/28/2024
Guest Article
The 74: How One Texas School District Is Repurposing Staff Development Time to Embrace the Science of Reading
Aldine Independent School District, Houston, TX 03/05/2024
Guest Article
The 74: Building Oral Language Skills and Equity Through High-Quality Reading Curriculum
Roswell Independent School District, Roswell, NM 02/07/2024
Guest Appearance
Bellwether Webinar: What’s Next for the Science of Reading?
A conversation on how leaders and policymakers can learn from the recent history of school reform efforts and make the science of reading stick. 02/02/2024
Press Coverage
Education Week: Reading Comprehension Hinges on Building Knowledge. New Curricula Aim to Help
The series integrate thematic texts, vocabulary-building, and lots of writing practice 01/15/2024
Press Coverage
Education Week: The ‘Science of Reading’ in 2023: 4 Important Developments
One of the most fundamental skills students learn in school is still at the forefront of the national education conversation—how kids learn to read. 12/27/2023
Guest Appearance
Melissa and Lori Love Literacy Podcast: Unpacking the Knowledge Matters Review Tool with Sue Pimentel and Barbara Davidson
Have you wondered how to tell if an ELA curriculum is “knowledge-building?” 12/11/2023