Unsung Heroes of Reading Comprehension Webinar #2 – Student Discourse

We started our “Unsung Heroes” webinar series to spotlight the cognitive processes and skills that fuel reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is a team sport, and we need to honor each of the players and how they work together.

Key among these is student discourse, the text-focused classroom discussions where young readers build on one another’s ideas, deepen their understanding, and make meaning together. So I’m thrilled to announce our upcoming webinar, “Student Discourse, an Unsung Hero of Reading Comprehension.”

This webinar will share research and practical strategies to engage all students in meaningful, content-rich discussions. We’ll explore the science behind why student discourse is a power player—especially when vocabulary and writing are part of the “team”—and look at real-life examples from curricula that have successfully harnessed this team approach.

On September 30 at 4:30 p.m. ET, our expert panel of Nell Duke (Center for Early Literacy Success), Dr. Mitchell Brookins (formerly with Chicago and New Orleans public schools), and Grace Delgado (Aldine ISD) will join host Kristen McQuillan for a rich conversation.

Please register here!
